The Netucca Valley Backpack Food Program is making a difference in the lives of local children by ensuring they won't go hungry over the weekend. The NestuccaValley Backpack Food Program, run entirely by volunteers, has been providing weekend food to students in need for 17 years. We now face higher demand as more families struggle with rising food costs.
Every Friday morning, volunteers gather to pack bags with food items for students as identified by the schools as being at risk of food insecurity. These bags contain food to sustain the children until they return to school on Monday. With no administrative costs, 100% of each dollar donated goes directly to food, making every contribution impactful.

2024 -2025 School Year
We serve 121 student students each week, more than ever before, reflecting the strain inflation has put on many local families. Local Food pantries are seeing similar increases underscoring the need in our community. In a community as small as ours, the impact is personal and immediate. For students who rely on school meals during the week, having access to nutritious food on the weekend helps them return to school on Monday ready to learn,
grow and participate fully in their education.
For many this backpack is more than a meal - its a sign that their community cares.
The Nestucca Valley BackPack Food Program is calling on everyone who can support the effort. Donations are welcome online or by mail. All funds go directly to purchasing food for children. As the program aims to meet the increasing needs, even a small donation can go a long way in providing food security and nutrition for local kids.

"The food backpack program is an integral part of the programming offered in the Nestucca Valley School District. Our students and families feel supported, creating a school culture of trust and appreciation. I know I speak for our families when I say THANK YOU, we could not do it without your support. "
Misty L Wharton
Superintendent, Elementary Principal,
Nestucca Valley School District
“We are deeply grateful to our generous community. We have been honored to work with the many talented and energetic partners/volunteers who have made this program so successful. We are impressed with the Nestucca Valley school system that always puts students first and will go far to ensure their well-being.”
Jo Rack
Cofounder NV Backpack Program
Make a difference today by volunteering, attend an event, or make a donation.
We have a variety of volunteer positions throughout the year.
Click below to find out more!
All donations go directly to food purchases for the program.
Mail donations to:
Nestucca Valley Backpack
Food Program
PO Box 793
Pacific City, OR 9735

Email the
Nesctucca Valley Backpack Program
today to find out about volunteer opportunities. Or contact Jo Rack at or 602-509-4271